When we finally left at 3:45 I was in serious pain, probably from sitting in the car. I felt the same as with Nick when I was at 6 cm so I was really scared. I couldn't do this for hours without any medication. We finally made it to the highway through horrible traffic and the pain was really unbearable. Suddenly my water broke and Jeff wanted to pull over. I told him, no just keep going and fast. Two seconds later I felt and the "head was crowning" (my exact words at the moment, I was very calm and clinical) I told Jeff to pull over. By the time we stopped the baby was out and on my lap. Jeff said he was calling 911 and I didn't stop him (although I wanted to continue on to the birthing center where there is only a 4-6 hour wait before going home, once you call 911 you go to the hospital and there is a 3 day wait to go home). So the baby was born at roughly 4:20 p.m., the time of the operator call, off of I-4 just East of the Dinosaur World Exit. The 911 operator was on the phone with Jeff and he couldn't find anything in my box of baby stuff. I had a blanket, a bulb syringe and towels. He finally found the blanket and syringe and the operator told him to tie off the umbilical cord with his shoe lace. The ambulance arrived (along with 5 men and my junk completely hanging out) They had me WALK 5 feet to the stretcher and one of the guys actually stepped on the shoe lace still hanging out of my hoo-hoo! They drove me to the nearest hospital. Yes, I MADE Jeff get the camera before I was put into the ambulance, the first few shots were miserable, I didn't realize he was so shook up. He had to follow us in the van.
At the hospital they tried every intervention known to man. Jeff was wonderful in making sure everything was as natural as possible. They wanted to start formula immediately and since I was adament that it not happen they had me nurse while being stitched up otherwise they were going to do an IV. Some nurses were nice but most were not. I followed that baby everywhere, and they made me stand every time I went. I was ready to go home at 8 that night but had to stay 24 hours due to the hospital policies.
See Alex in my homemade wool pants. I accidentally washed these and they are now sized for a wood nymph.
Overall, Nick was a pain in the you know where and has been ever since, never slept through the night and nursed 24/7. Alex has been very good unless you make him wait to long. He sleeps like crazy, in his crib and nurses very efficiently and with a purpose. Like night and day!
Let me hear your stories!