Well, I didn't think it had been so long since I've posted but apparently, it has been a really long time! A lot has been going on and we have just been so busy with life in general that there hasn't been much time for anything else. So here are a few pictures. We have gone to W. Palm to visit Uncle Milton about every other month and it seems to really take a toll on everything. The boys are getting huge and have been working on the role of "alpha male", as in they never stop fighting. They fight over everything all of the time. The good news is they have started to play together but it is difficult if you aren't sitting right next to them. Alex has started to have just as vivid of an imagination as Nick. It is really funny to watch them try to wrestle both with and without Jeff. I have started to plant some flowers and plants in the front yard and the transformation has been incredible. We found some really nice nurseries in the area that are REALLY cheap, and if you know me, you know that is what I am all about. I found some trees in the back yard that we didn't cut down and had taken root, about 4 feet tall each, we moved those to the front and then also thinned out some other plants from the last few years. It has been a really big change and I am really enjoying it. This is the first time I have gardened so much since I lived with my parents. My mom's yard was always beautiful so I have something to strive towards. Although, I will admit, planting in Florida is like trying to make something grow on the beach, it might work for a little while but not for a long time, a lot more work for sure.

Bree and I on our first Kayaking trip, soooo much fun, and reallyl hard work too.

Nick at Lithia Springs, they have a ton of fish and the water is freezing (not a big deal when it is 95 degrees). The springs are completely natural and scattered all over the state, mostly in the north. A big contributor to the sinkhole problem we have in the state as well.

Alex at Lithia Springs, he loves it but his little white self can't handle the freezing water.

The boys loved this antique Willy's Jeep we drove by, the guy was nice enough to let them sit and stand by it. Almost completely restored and gorgeous, he was painting some grenades to go with it when we stopped by.

Our little man, Nick refused to stand in front of it, Alex loved it!

The zoo for Grandma's birthday.

The boys and I took a trip to MOSI (museum of science and industry) during Swaptember, when our zoo pass is good at MOSI and the aquarium. I think Alex (on the left) is catching up to Nick pretty fast, we get the twins question an awful lot now.

The boys both playing garbage men at the desk, they were so cute right before leaving!

Alex on our way home from Milton's house, what a comedian he is!

The boys with Grandma having dinner, we love matching outfits.

Nick at the zoo holding the friendliest lizard ever. He must be hand fed or something.

The boys eating pudding while I garden, they love helping Mommy (especially when food is involved)
Alex was scared to death of the fireworks while we were doing it but hasn't stopped asking to see them again since then.