A gator Nick and I saw while Kayaking the Hillsborough River!
Nick learning to swim (and my new waterproof camera)
Jeff and Alex kayaking.
Alex swimming at the beach.
Our first camping trip with our 1965 pop-up camper.
So we have been really busy lately. I can't believe I haven't posted since November of 2008! The boys are getting so big and really starting to come into their own little personalities. Alex is a real ham and loves to get attention and talk to people. Nick is a little reserved but loves to tell stories and read stories. Nick is in swimming class for the summer and is enjoying it for the most part. He loves to be there but hates to leave the house. I am working a lot of hours, both in the office and at home. It keeps me really busy but I have also been able to spend time with the kids while working and that is a real blessing. Jeff is still doing the same thing and working the same hours at Cracker Barrel and doing well there. We have been swimming a lot, kayaking, fishing, camping and just spending a lot of time doing free stuff. We are working on the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University and highly recommend it to anyone. We have cut back on everything from food to entertainment and are really seeing a change with our finances. We can't wait to be debt free!
Well, we should be able to update more later. Have a good one.