Sydney Sims lives in Brandon, Florida and is a friend of the Mayhews. Sydney has a very aggressive form of Neuroblastoma, she’s relapsed twice. Her body rejects the most effective form of treatment for kids like her. A new treatment has been offered up as a chance, a chance that would raise her odds from 20% to 60%....that’s from 20% to 60% that she’ll LIVE. Now, if that was your child, what would you do for that extra 40% chance? To get this this drug manufactured will take 3-5 million dollars! Would you let a measly 3 million dollars stand between your child and a treatment that could save her life? I think not!
Sydney’s dad, Kevin Sims, is gathering with other Neuroblastoma dads from across the world to band together and fight for this treatment. In September, they are taking the Lonliest Road. They will be biking from California to Washington D.C. as a way to raise awareness, raise money for this treatment, to give their kids a fighting chance, and to give hope to all the kids out there. Please keep this group in your prayers, check out the website they’ve set up at Support them in any way you can, if it’s a donation, if it’s an email of prayer and support, if it’s connecting them with someone who you think would be interested in sponsoring their efforts….just take a minute and do it. If you’re thinking, I can’t afford it….if it was your child, wouldn’t each and every precious dollar count?
"small inkling", I swear I do know how to type.
okay, so I tried to post and there were so many typos I am starting over. Having had the opportunity to be scared out my wits just thinking my son had cancer I have a small inkling of how they feel. I think of her often, which is strange since I don't know her at all. I read everything I could at their website and pray for her often. I will continue to do so and hope beyond hope that they find a cure for her before its too late. Let her know that people far away in Utah think and pray for her everyday.
You are a great friend Lorrin, and you are right we can all do something...
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