It has been literally forever since I have posted. We have been to Arizona, West Palm Beach and now are finally home. My grandmother (my Dad's mom) unfortunately passed away last week at 83 years old. We were very sad to see her go but glad I was able to see her during our recent trip. Work is still crazy and life has just been a mess. The boys and I were extremely sick on our trip to Arizona and then took another week to get better after returning home. We were fine during our trip to West Palm but now the boys are sick again. It is still hotter than anything outside but at least there was a nice cool breeze tonight. Hopefully things are on the up-swing from here.
So for Halloween the boys were both Hobos. It was cheap, easy and super cute! I will try to post some of the pictures (very few) from our trips and some recent stuff as I have been so horrible about posting anything lately.

Jeff and Nick at our Church's Fall Festival playing a game. Nick had a great time!

Alex in his hobo outfit. He was really cute, kind of looked like a dirty little boy.

Nick giving me a silly face after having WAY too much sugar!

Me and the boys at the fall festival.

Jeff and Nick shooting a paint ball gun. Yay!
YOur boys look darling, and that is what counts. I am sorry to hear you were sick on your trip, that makes it hard, hopefully life will get back to normal for you. Good to hear from you again and no that you are alive and kicking.
You are such a good mom! Your boys are so cute! I love that you get to dress them a like. I think it would be fun to have a girl next so I can dress my girls a like!
Those are two of the cutest little hobos I have ever seen. It was so much fun to see you when you were out here, I am sorry you were sick but really happy that you hung out with us anyway.
Oooooo, Lorrin, I have missed your posts! I love the little hobos, that is such a cute idea! Hope you keep us posted, we don't do well with the blog droughts.
A post!! Yeah!!
I know, life has a way of getting crazy on you, doesn't it??
The boys are adorable!! But at first I was trying to figure out what candy Alex ate that ended up all over his face like that....I have my fair share of blond moments.
Get together again soon?? Let me know when you have time in that empty schedule of yours!
Your boys make adorable little Hobos!! That is great you were able to enjoy the beach. Sorry to hear about the other times of illness. That is no fun at all. Get well, and it is good to see you again!!!
Yeah I am glad you are back. Hobo's, what a cute idea. They do look adorable. I am so sorry to hear about your Grandma. I hope everything is okay with your dad and his family. You guys will be in our thoughts and prayers.
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