I can't believe it has already been a year.

It feels like yesterday Alex was a week overdue and I was ready to rip him out of me by force.

It feels like yesterday Alex was a week overdue and I was ready to rip him out of me by force.
Luckily he came shooting out in record time. There are still stains in the van from the infamous day.

I remember making these wool pants while I was pregnant and then after one explosive "black tar" poo I accidentally washed them and they wouldn't even fit a doll after that. But I got the picture I had been planning for months!
Alex has been hugged and kissed and squeezed so hard we thought he would vomit. But he has lived to tell the tale.
He has always been a delightful baby and we hope his wonderful personality continues forever.l.
This birth story still amazes me! I can't believe he is 1 already! Hey, we almost share a birthday!
Lorrin, can you send me your address for Christmas card purposes?
Actually his birthday was today (the 27th) but I didn't have enought time to post today so I did it late last night. I am such a cheater. He had a great and mellow day as I hope you did. Thank you! I will send you the address.
Thanks lorrin. I didn't know we shared a B-day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEX! He is so cute.
I tell your birth story when ever birth conversations come up. it is one of the greatest. Happy Birthday to that beautiful little boy.
Happy Birthday, Alex!!!
Happy Birthday Alex. Wow he is really allready a year old, the time just flies! He is such a handsome little guy!
That boy is SO cute. I can't believe he is a year.
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