October 2007
Spring 2001 at Disney (can you tell how happy I am)
Fall 1999 at our First Apartment.
Heather did this on her site and I thought it was interesting and fun and I did know her as Gresko so here it goes.
1) How long have you been married? 7 years
2) How old is your spouse? 30
3) Who eats more? Usually myself but my hormones are finally starting to balance so I am slowing down and Jeff has been winning most meals.
4) Who said I love you first? Jeff, I waited months before he said it so I could too.
5) Who is taller? Jeff by a long shot
6) Who sings better? I guess I am although not good, Jeff refuses to sing.
7) Who is smarter? I probably am as far as grades and book reading goes. Not a lot of common sense though.
8) Who controls the T.V. remote? Jeff, my timing is all wrong for TEVO
9) Whose temper is worse? Jeff's
10) Who does the laundry? I do but Jeff will even help wash diapers
11) Who does the dishes? We both do.
12) Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do
13) Who cooks dinner? I do
14) Who is more stubborn? Probably me.
15) Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? People do that?
16) Who has more friends? JEFF!!
17) Who has more siblings? Jeff - 4 brothers 1 sister, 3 step sisters
18) Who wears the pants in the family? Probably me, although we try to both make decisions together.
I tag you if you knew me as Oskerson!!!
That was very fun!! I do like learning more about people. How did you and Jeff meet? I don't know the story please do tell.
This was cute!
Those are such cute pictures of your two.
I sent email to your MSN account a long long time ago and never heard back...and today I decided to google you. I am soooo happy I did, OMG I love the pics. Chelsea is at work right now but will be ecstatic when I show her your site. She turned 17 last week...YEAH it's been that long. I couldn't find a way to email you on your blogspot, so sorry I am leaving such a long comment. Send me your email address. In the meantime Chelsea and I both have myspace accounts, you can check out the pics, but I think you have to have an account to view them and you have to add Chels as a friend to view hers. The boys are so adorable...ughh yeah Jeff too :) and you are gorgeous!!
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