Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 13

The view, technically not mine but right behind me.

41st floor of Bank of America Building. Highest in Tampa (goes to 42 floors).


hope said...

I am really enjoying your pics!!! Looks like you are enjoying your camera!!!

The Mad Planter, LLC - Lorrin Wagner said...

Yeah, I am trying to get more into it and start going professional with portraits and such. But in order to do that I have to really start focusing on it and get better. Feel free to offer any critiques or suggestions. If nothing else, you are getting every angle of downtown Tampa:)

hope said...

Thanks for the suggestion, Lorrin. I actually shoot in RAW and my front room's lighting is very warm, mostly due to the walls. I was shooting with my manual 1.8 50mm on the violin pics... I think I had it set to 2.4 F-stop. So that is actually the way it looked when I took the picture. Kind of weird, I know, but I have gotten use to it.

Alexandre Rodrigues said...

Bim Ladem