Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 4

Downtown Tampa
Bank of America Building, 41st Floor, Eastern view
Canon 20D
Tokina 12-24mm f4


hope said...

You got a new camera for Christmas?? And, WOW you are still alive!!! SOOOOOO good to see you on the bloglist again!! Can't wait to see more pics! Your boys must be SO big now!

The Mad Planter, LLC - Lorrin Wagner said...

Yeah, I realized just how much I blogged in 2009 - 2 times! although, once I look back and see how much I have worked it makes sense. A busy year but now we get to start a new one with new resolutions, yay! I have been loving your pictures, you should check out www.dgrin.com, you can get some really great used equipment on there like lenses and a variety of equipment.