Alex loves to have his photo taken, he thinks the camera is wonderful (so does Nick for that matter)

He can't sit up yet but I swear he is close to crawling! I can't wait until he can chase Nick around the house.

He just started eating solids and LOVES everything. He is so happy to sit at the table and eat with everyone else, he goes after everything like it is food.

He is attacking the teddy bear (ginormous teddy (2.5' tall) I made when Nick was a baby, I love it and so do the kids!) The quilt was made by my sister from this last Christmas, it is my favorite and I use it for everything now.

(The ginormous teddy)
I can't get the pictures to load! Is this just me? I want to see the ginormous teddy you made, and can't argghhh!
I tried to upload them again but didn't have any luck. I will try again later to see if it works. Sorry.
Cute pictures... my sister likes to sew teddy bears also, then she knits sweaters for them... I think she needs a baby.
I LOVE to make teddy bears. I got a book about it when Nick was a newborn and made about 20 and then stopped. He loves all of them but this big pattern was the best, I made it in 3 sizes. I made a really small bear that he loved to eat too. I would just use baby clothes for them, knitting is a great idea! Perhaps one day I will have time again!
Those are fabulous pictures of Alex. He is such a ham for the camera and so adorable. I had no idea you were making teddy bears. Your ginormous bear looks so comfy.
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