So a friend has talked me into starting with this company and I admit I am pretty excited. The commissions are really great but the start-up amount is insane. I have cheated the system and I am trying to buy all of the initial jewelry on ebay because I am just plain CHEAP! I am going through the company for the paperwork and the main stuff, but the jewelry I can get so much cheaper through other people. Although I am getting a ton of stuff for my money (if I win the bids). So any input anyone can give me I would appreciate.
I won't sign the paperwork until Monday or Tuesday, so at least there is time. I really hope it works out and I make some moula! The girl who is signing me up made back her start-up money after 3 shows. I hope I can be that successful, I know I am a good salesperson and love to talk, so it shouldn't be that hard.

Also, anyone want some jewelry, I know where you can get it! And I have to tell you this stuff is really beautiful and not that expensive, this coming from someone who doesn't really wear or own hardly anything. I loved it once she brought out her display stuff.
Good luck! I don't wear a whole lot of jewlry but wouldn't mind checking out the stuff you are selling.
I am interested. I love jewlery and wear it all the time. What is the name of the company? I have bought from Lia Sophia and Cookie Lee. Sound famlier? Let me know.
Wow look at you, you have two boys, work as a legal secretary(is that right? or are you a paralegal? Sorry I couldn't remember), and now are going to be a jewlery mogul. I'm tired all ready! Good luck with the new venture... let me know where we can check out the products so that I can have a look and see what I think. Adam buys all my jewlery, so I'll make him look too.
Sorry, Lorrin... I have made myself enough jewelry to last a life-time, and I have bunches more supplies and ideas. Best of luck to you though! I love jewelry!
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