My old camera broke recently when the boys dropped it one too many times. It is now possessed and all pictures are blurry in the face only, much like a recent horror film.
I was pretty stoked to get a new one and did a lot of research before scouring the internet for the cheapest thing around. I finally found the exact one I was looking for at the best deal of the century. I got a Canon SD800IS Elph. It is the exact size of a credit card (we checked), a little thicker but still fits in my pocket. The screen is pretty big and it has 7.1 megapixels. It rocks in so many ways. So far I am getting used to it but it has a lot of really cool features like color spotting (my phrases for finding only one color in a shot) and it will do that while taking video. It also holds up to 30 minutes of video so I won't need a portable video camera. Here are the best shots I got at the park (not a lot as it is blurry and I am still working on figuring out its tricks) It usually ranges from $300-$500.00 new and I got it for a whopping $100 as almost new. I found it in Ohio at this price from a local newspaper add, found it on which was great! Not a scratch and it came with all the original equipment. What a steal!
I love a good camera deal, I got mine for a song too! ;) The photos look great, you are such a talented photographer.
I love all the pics! You really are talented. Your boys (all three) are handsome!!
Wow, that is a steal! Fun pics. I can't wait to see the video you take with it. And as always your boys are so handsome. THat color spotting is a cool trick.
I tried to upload some video but had some problems. So I will try to take some better footage and upload again. Hopefully some good cake shots of Alex!
Awesome deal!!! I just got a new camera too, but not nearly as good a deal! I got the Canon SD900 elph. I don't think mine does that cool color thing though...darn.
Good for people to know.
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