Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 17

A photo shoot that didn't go very well. I need to work on my lighting on bright days - any suggestions? The one of Nick on the left had a reflector blocking the light and you can see a huge difference, too bad it was so flimsy and hard to use!
50mm 1.8


hope said...

One tip I read by Scott Kelby is to find some shade. Or make some. Also, shooting before 9am or after 5pm is good. Dawn and Dusk basically. Check out Scott Kelby's line of books.... He is great!

The Mad Planter, LLC - Lorrin Wagner said...

Yeah, I keep trying but the sun is so harsh here that it makes the shade almost completely dark. The one of Nick is with something blocking the sun and that one was pretty nice but I don't have enough hands! This was right in the middle of the day so it was horrible but we are kind of limited with naps and other stuff. I will keep trying!

designer pens box said...

nice post!

mili said...

si q' puede ser algo inocente, es linda la foto

Anonymous said...

Great for tip !

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